Thursday, November 13, 2008


Stephanie Meyer

Searching for your next fantasy fix after reading the last of the Harry Potter books? Seems author Stephanie Meyer just might have found the cure with her new series, Twilight. This romance story is truly becoming more and more popular. The heroine, Bella, has moved from Arizona to Washington state to live with her father, Charlie. In classic style, she is immediately shown lots of attention by the local boys, but desires none of them. Instead, she is drawn to Edward, the guy sitting next to her in class and the one dude who seems repulsed by her. Edward has a dirty little secret, however. He's a vampire. Bella's attraction becomes strongre, even when she learns his secret, and ultimately, they fall in love. This is the story of love and the unique struggles that come with it. Readers are drawn into this fantasy world of forbidden love because Edward and Bella are the new Romeo and Juliet. Stephenie Meyer is so creative with it, and there is never a dull moment. The interaction between Bella and Edward is so electric, it jumps off the page In either case, Twilight is a young adult book and is very clean. There is no swearing and no sex whatsoever but it is about vampires, blood desire, and topics more appropriate for older kids so I'd say this one is for the over 16 crowd. Basically, Twilight is highly recommended.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

little fish big sea

high school is probabbly one of the hardest/confusing/scary and exciting times in a persons life. you experience who you are, find out who your real friends are, and most importantly, find out who you are. i came to high school with a positive attitude. I was excited to meet new people, have more freedom, and take advantage of all the clubs and activities that the school offered. Little did i know, high school was harder than i thought. Through the years, ive made friends and lost friends. i think being here helped me to grow and learn so much not only about the people around me, but myself. i learned the fake friends from the true friends. Ive learned to not care about what everyone else thinks and to just be me and have fun. At the same time, i do have regrets. If i could go back, i would probabbly have been involved in more school activities and sports. Instead, i just saw school as a place to come, do what i have to do, and go home. Now that im a senior and have grown and learned, thats the one thing i would take back in a flash. Like i said, im a senior now and im graduating in a matter of months. I want to take everything ive learned the past 3 years and take it with me to college, where i can have the best time of my life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

.:.Assignment 3.:.

Option One: Write one paragraph about a place or an event that has influenced who you are. Why is/was this place or event so important? How did it shape your morals or beliefs? Be sure you include a topic sentence, specific examples that support your topic sentence, and a final concluding sentence that wraps up your ideas.

An event that really affected me and really had a big influence on me was a couple years ago, when i made the stupid decision to shoplift. I hadn't done it before, and i thought i could get away with it like a lot of my other friends did. I can deffinitly say i learned because ever since then i have not even thought about stealing. Im lucky i didnt suffer major consequences besides the dissipointment with my family and myself. I wish i could go back and change what i did but at the same time, if i hadn't have done it, i wouldnt have learned.

Option Three: Write one paragraph about a time when you felt uncomfortable or out of place. Where were you? Who were you with? Why did you feel so out of place? What did you learn about yourself as a result? Be sure you include a topic sentence, specific examples that support your topic sentence, and a final concluding sentence that wraps up your ideas.

The first day of high school is probabbly a really scary day for most. It was a time when i felt really out of place. Its tough because you see a lot of new people and a ot of people you have never seen before. It was when i got to school, and saw all those people i didnt know, and who were older that really made me uncomfortable. Now, when i look back, i just laugh becaue i have made a lot of friends since that day, and i should have realized i was going to earlier. When i go to school now, i gont get nervous or feel unfomfortable like i did before because i just go with confidence and know i will have fun that day. but stiill, i will never forget my first day

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

.:.Assignment 2.:.

Respond to the following question. Your answer should be at least one full, well-written paragraph. Explain your answers. Why do you think what you think?

1. In the selection called "Peer Pressure" George states that "friends have more influence on one another's lives than almost anyone else does, especially in those teenage years when kids are trying to discover who they really are. So hooking up with the wrong crowd can really get you down."

Do you agree with his comments? Why or why not?
For the most part, i do agree with his statement. I think growing up, your friends may seem like everything. You always want to be part of the group. Sometimes when you see your friends doing something, you want to try it too to prove to them that you can do it to or you can fit in. but sometimes, those things arn't always the smartest idea.

Have you seen other people try to pressure their friends to do things? (Good or bad)
Yes, i have seem people being pressured by their friends to do something. I think it has happened to everyone at least some point in there life. At times, it can be good, and at times it can be bad, but it still happens alot.

Have you felt pressure to behave in certain ways because of your friends?
Yes, i have felt pressure to behave a certian way by my friends. This one time, i was at a party, and i was pressured to drink, so i just left. For the most part, i try not to surround myself around people who are going to pressure me into things they know isn't in my best interest or things they know i dont want to do.

WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED: Visit the blogs of your group members, read their comments, and leave one comment in which you agree or disagree with something they say (and explain why) or ask them a question about their response.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

.:.Assignment 1.:.

1. Why do you think Rameck made the choices he did? He knew right from wrong, so what motivated him to choose the "wrong" path as a teen?
I think growing up, you experiment different things to try and figure out who you are. You do things that you know may not be the best choice, but you do it anyway because you want to fit in and be accepted. Rameck knew right from wrong, but since most people around him were doing something, he wanted to fit in so he did it too. He wanted acceptance.

2. Considering both his parents were drug addicts, was he really responsible for his actions? Explain your opinion.
In my oppinion, yes and no. I think he was still aware of what he was doing and knew it was wrong, but his parents are in the wrong for being on drugs when they should be there diciplining him and actually being good parents.

3. Are young people responsible for their actions if they have no good role models or people to teach them the right way to live? Explain your opinion.
This is kind of like question #2. I think that if you have a good role model in your life, your more likely to succeed and do right, because you have someone who is there pushing you and teaching you. but at the same time, if you dont, you can still stay out of trouble and do right. you just have to be strong and do it on your own.

4. Who are the biggest influences in your own life? In what ways have they shaped you? What have they taught you?
The biggest influence in my life is my dad. i have learned so much from him and i really look up to him. he has always been there to teach me right from wrong. he has made me who i am today and i thank him for it. even if we dont get along, i know he still cares about me and wants me to go down the right path and wants me to succeed.